*past performance does not indicate future returns. Future results may vary and prior performance of Prospera Management and its managed funds is not an indication future performance and are not a guarantee of future results.
** This material should be read in conjunction with the applicable Private Placement Memorandum Investment decisions are made through review of the Private Placement Memorandum(s). Results illustrated are blended between offerings, which included actual net investor returns as well as speculation on projects that have yet to conclude. There is no guarantee that projected returns on yet to be completed projects will be obtained. All investments are subject to risk, including a loss of principal.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any financial projections or returns shown are
examples only and Investors should conduct their own due diligence and not rely on the financial
assumptions or estimates that are displayed here. There is a potential for loss of part or ALL of the
investment capital, and each investor should understand that all capital invested may be lost. Investors
should only consider these investments if they have no need for liquidity and can bear the risk of losing
their entire investment.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any federal or state securities commission or any
other regulatory authority has recommended or approved of the investment or the accuracy or
inaccuracy of any of the information or materials provided by or through Prospera Management.
Investments have significant risks as set forth in the disclosure materials and risks specific to a given
company. Investments are restricted securities and are subject to restrictions on transfer as described
in the offering materials. Investment opportunities discussed are “private placements” of securities that
are not publicly traded, are subject to holding period requirements, and are intended for investors who
do not need a liquid investment. Private placement investments are NOT bank deposits (and thus NOT
insured by the FDIC or by any other federal governmental agency), are NOT guaranteed by Prospera
Growth Fund or Prospera Management, and MAY lose value. Investors must be able to afford the loss
of their entire investment.
Prospera Management is not an investment advisor, broker-dealer or Regulation Crowdfunding
authorized intermediary or portal and does not engage in any activities requiring any such registration.
Neighborhood Ventures does not make investment recommendations, and no communication should
be construed as such. This does not constitute an offer to sell, solicit or make an offer to buy any
investment interest or securities.
Any financial projections or returns shown are illustrative examples only, and there can be no assurance
that any valuations provided are accurate or in agreement with market or industry valuations. We make
no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of information and accept no liability therefor.
Offers to sell, or the solicitations of offers to buy, any security must be accompanied with disclosure
documents compliant with federal and state regulations and can only be made through official offering
documents that contain important information about risks, fees and expenses. Investors should conduct
their own due diligence, not rely on the financial assumptions or estimates displayed, and are
encouraged to consult with a financial and tax advisor, attorney, accountant, and any other professional
that can help you to understand and assess the risks associated with any investment opportunities.
Testimonial statements are from existing investors. These statements may not be representative of the
experience of all clients, and are not a guarantee of future performance or success.
This may contain “forward looking statements” which are not guaranteed. All investors should make
their own determination of whether or not to make any investment, based on their own independent
evaluation and analysis. It is solely your responsibility to comply with the laws and regulations of your
country of residence.